Midweek Inspiration

Just a fun clip to break up the week….

Ministry friend, and fellow twitterer, David Turner shared this clip on facebook.  Thought you’d like it.

Breakfast of Champions


Ok, at the request of friends and tweets, I am posting about my breakfast with Craig Groeschel, Andy Stanley and Bobby Gruenewald.

Last Thursday, Suncrest sent 25 leaders to Granger Community Church to participate in Catalyst One Day. Heard so much about the Catalyst event in Atlanta, and was really excited to attend this smaller-scale version. There were about 1500 attenders.

A really nice touch was the offer of 1 ticket per 10 purchased to have breakfast and lunch with conference speakers Craig Groeschel and Andy Stanley. So we had 2 for each meal. I jumped at the chance to join them for breakfast.

We expected 150 people at a breakfast where Craig and Andy would talk or stand in front and answer questions, but there were only about 8 tables set up.  Kevin Richardson and I joined one other guy at a table, chatted a bit, then made our way to the food table. I turned around for a minute and saw that Craig was sitting at our table in the seat right next to me. Ok, let me admit right here, I get a little giddy around high profile people. Just a warning in case any of you are reading this. Ha! 

Craig, Bobby Gruenewald, a pastor friend of theirs from OK and Andy were talking, and I assumed they had prayed already, so I sat and prayed quietly.  When I finished, Craig turns, shakes my hand.

“Hi, I’m Craig Groeschel.” My intelligent response? “Oh, I know!”

 …Sheesh!  Mom will be so proud of my manners.

Great conversation after that. Andy and Craig talking ’09 budget challenges, ministry initiatives, fun stuff. At some point, I mentioned starting of a snowmobile club at Suncrest, and Andy said how they had a pretty big snowmobile club at North Point. No smile, not even a smirk. Ha ha Andy, I wasn’t that giddy! Snowmobile club in GA!?!  Andy’s so funny and deadpan, it’s hard to tell when he’s playing.

Yes, it was fun, and I’ll remember it for a long time. Maybe next time, I’ll even remember to introduce myself.