Season of Transition


It’s been awhile since I posted and I hope you’ll understand. Transitioning off a ministry staff takes time, even more so when we are purposeful about making it a healthy transition. I am so very thankful to Greg Lee for this video post he made, first because I can feel his heart-felt appreciation, and second, because he does such a great job explaining my transition. I love how God has worked through Suncrest to help me grow. I am blessed by how Suncrest continues to care about people far from God and help them cultivate a personal relationship with Jesus.  Bill and I will continue to attend Suncrest unless God calls us elsewhere.

So, what am I doing now?

  • I’ve decided to take October as a month to unwind, reflect and recalibrate. I’ve learned many things about myself in the last 6 years doing ministry, both strengths and weaknesses.  I’m not going to go into those here, but would be disappointed in myself if I didn’t take time to learn from the experience.
  • I am involved in two weekly small groups right now, one at Suncrest, one online. Both challenge and stretch me. And even though I’ve chosen to have a month of separation, God showed me isolation was not the answer. I need these groups more than ever right now, and they just ROCK! Thank you!
  • trust-agentsI am also part of a blogging team for the book, “Trust Agents: Using the web to build influence, improve reputation, and earn trust” by Chris Brogan. I am convinced that the web is key for the next generation of outreach for the kingdom. The potential is endless and kingdom workers need to learn to navigate this tool so we can leverage it to God’s glory. Can’t wait to hear this group‘s input on the book. The discussion has just begun here.
  • October is crazy-full of church leadership conferences!  For the last five years, our Suncrest Group Leadership Team has enjoyed the GroupLife Conference at Willow Creek. I always loved getting away with my team to learn, eat, laugh and… eat some more. 🙂 This year I’ll have an opportunity to sit behind the scenes as part of Willow’s volunteer social media team. Hope to enjoy the view from this different ‘seat’. Then there’s the Cultivate09 conference (finally meeting my online group leader, Tony Steward, offline) and STORY (by Ben Arment – creator of the Catalyst conference). Both conferences look amazing, can’t wait to ‘tweetup’ with many twitter friends there. Plans are to live-blog as much as possible. Stay tuned!

2 thoughts on “Season of Transition

  1. Thanks so much for this article, change requires truth, faith, and courage. You are such a blessing to so many. I love your take on the Kingdom, small groups, and social media.

  2. So glad you have chosen to not be in “isolation”, especially when the topic around Suncrest surrounds “relationships” so much. The transition I see is largely about having some relationships grow stronger now, while others may have a lesser impact on your daily life. Coping with transition can be hard, going through it with help of others—much easier. See you around!!!

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