Why couldn’t I sleep last night???

There are lots of reasons I have trouble sleeping… family issues, work plans, scary movies. But last night I found a new reason to toss and turn – anticipation.  You see, last night my online group (United Nerd LifeGroup) that I have been part of for 6 weeks was issued a mighty challenge. More on that coming.

We meet every Tuesday night at 9pm CST online. We’ve worked through the idea of being unplugged, not letting our online connections take time away from our most important connection with God.  Tony Steward (lifechurch.tv Online Community Pastor) leads the group via ustream as the rest of us participate in the chat room.

Last night we became a tribe (thanks Seth Godin) as Tony challenged us with becoming part of a kingdom-minded movement. He asked if we would consider becoming moderators of an Open Source Love Movement whose rally cry is JESUS! Let me unpack that a little. Our goal is to reach people online for lifechange. Free of denominational borders, become church without walls, or church with a capital ‘C’.  To become a movement, because a movement is not controlled. A movement has the freedom to grow exponentially, to be bigger than we can imagine, to be something that is only possible because God orchestrates it.

But how does that happen? Tony has already influenced this tribe and has offered to give us some basic training over the next six weeks to equip us to multiply the impact on our own. It boggles my mind to think how big this can become. Anticipation!

Is God calling you to become part of a movement that reaches people online?


Friends – as a first-time blogger, would love your input and suggestions, please leave me a comment!

26 thoughts on “Why couldn’t I sleep last night???

  1. MB! Great blog!! I am so pumped about this. God has brought us all together for a divine appointment. I’m not sure anyone of us knew what we were getting into when this all started but it has already been an incredible journey. Thanks for being a great encourager to me over the past several weeks. Your blog is GREAT!

  2. You are a good blogger already, since you’re writing from your heart.

    I am so excited about this too. If I can borrow a line from C.S. Lewis, “Aslan is on the move” and this is just another indication of Narnia’s thaw and springtime approaching.

    Welcome to the blogosphere. Looking forward to hearing more from you.

  3. Becoming a Starfish rather than a spider can have great impacts.
    Keep us posted on the direction this will take.

    Welcome to the blogoshpere and thaks for the tweet link.

  4. Is God calling me to become part of a movement that reaches people online? I believe so. I look forward to more from you.

    I’m glad to see you started a blog!

  5. Thanks, Mary Beth. Looking forward to hearing how this will work out. Of course, you’re already a connector for people and it shows! So this is sure to be a fruitful ministry for the Lord.

    God bless His work


  6. Very exciting MaryBeth…so many think only in terms of anticipating those things we KNOW to be comforting…the familiar…the expected outcome~ thank you for the challenge to anticipate with the knowledge that HE is faithful and uses the man the means and the method for HIS Glory!!! wooo hooo

  7. Thanks for all the great comments! You are very kind.

    Marc – referring to the book, “Tribes – We Need you to Lead Us” by Seth Godin. Especially through the internet, people are gathering around interests, passions or movements and they need a leader. “Anyone who wants to make a difference now has the tools at her fingertips.” Godin. http://www.amazon.com/Tribes-We-Need-You-Lead/dp/1591842336

  8. It is really enjoyable to see you be so willing to “connect” yourself in unique ways. It serves to show how God works through our lives in so many ways and so many venues.

  9. Mary Beth, you are awesome! Tj\his is very exciting! Best of luck and keep me posted as to how it goes! God is definitely working wonders through YOU!!

  10. Hey MB!
    Great writing. I’m looking forward to hearing more from you on this, as well as on anything else you’d like to cover.
    Love your passion- it’s contagious.
    Keep it up!

  11. HI MB…..WOW…..you certainly have been busy in the name of God and friends – how wonderful that you have found a really redeeming sense of worth with God and your church – I am so happy to see how happy you are – it shows!

    I am proud of what you are doing and hope that the happiness you have keeps going strong for a long long time – it spreads to all and it shows….love you…..sis k

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